
What is Organization DSC? How to apply for DSC for an Organization?

The introduction of digital ingenuity and the use of electronic and digital contrivances for expediting the business processes, and workflow of organizations and enterprises, have remarkably generated a need of using safe and secure digital tools for the protection of data and company records. Every business including small, medium, and large size, corporate houses, various organizations, and firms is essentially dependent on the secure medium of signing their confidential records and essential documents.

A Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate aims at providing cybersecurity assistance against various cyber threats, forgery, the stealth of data, or the manipulation of the original data. DSC serves several organizations in maintaining their information in a safer space and authenticating the organization's identity electronically. Thus, it precipitates the signing processes of organizations and helps them to achieve their sustainable goals.

Know More About Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate For Organizations

A Class 3 Organization Digital Signature Certificate is issued to various organizations, registered companies, business owners, enterprises, and corporate houses. An Organisation DSC helps in secure signing and preserving essential data from any online spam or cyber threat.
An organization such as EXIM organizations, organizations involved in a trade, or registered companies on the government portal need a class 3 organizational digital signature for safely conducting their transactions on various government and private portals. As per the Information Technology Act, 2000 Government of India, it is indispensable to perform any transaction with DSC to procure any government service.

Who Can Issue A Class 3 Organization Digital Signature Certificate?

A Licensed Certifying Authority like Capricorn CA, authorized and regulated by the Controller of Certifying Authority CCA, issues digital certificate to various organizations as per the IT Act, 2000 Government of India. Any authorized signatory or representative of an organization can apply for a Digital Signature on behalf of the organization itself. A DSC provides them the soleright to legally validate their identity and thus it helps in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the information shared between two parties.

We offer DSC & various other signing solutions to individuals and organizations. You can buy organization dsc at a very affordable price through any of the multiple processing methods available.

A Simple Procedure To Procure A Capricorn Class 3 Organization DSC

Obtaining a Capricorn Class 3 DSC for organizations is an easy, quick and simple process. You need to follow a single-click procedure to apply for your DSC by just providing supporting documents of your organization. To initiate an application process, click on the “Buy Certificate” button visible at the top of the screen.
You can proceed to your application process through various modes of DSC application like Online Aadhaar OTP, PAN-Based mode, Biometric, and Existing Capricorn E-KYC mode followed by E-KYC verification. Once you fulfill all the required steps of the application, you would be able to download your Organization DSC.

Usages & Applications Of Capricorn Class 3 Organization DSC

Let us discuss some important usages and the significance of Class 3 DSC for organizations. DSC can be used for procuring various government and private services. Below are some common usages of Capricorn class 3 DSC that can be used for fulfilling several purposes.

1. For registration of a company at the Ministry of Corporate Affairs Portal or ROC e-Filing.
2. For the ICEGATE portal to file or register for import/export businesses.
3. Registration of EXIM organizations or IEC Code at the DGFT portal.
4. For online submission of GST returns or registration of the Company at the GST portal.
5. For EPFO
6. For procuring online services or participation in e-procurement, e-tendering, e-auction, etc.

Advantages of Class 3 Organization Digital Signature Certificate

Below are the following benefits that can be obtained from using Organization Digital Signature Certificate. Let us explain them one by one.
1. DSC offers a complete cybersecurity framework for your company data, documents, records, etc. It has a secured mechanism of private and public key functions to protect your details from an unauthorized entity.
2. DSC authenticates the organization's identity electronically and assists in reducing the chances of forgery, manipulation, or stealing of data.
3. It helps you to entitle your organization profile to the government portal and track all your company status, transactions, or changes made in the company records.
4. You can sign bulk documents, pdf, records, and forms of your organization from anywhere and anytime just a few times.
