
DSC for DGFT: Digital Signatures in Indian Trade

India trades goods and services with other countries, which helps its economy grow. We sell things like clothes, medicine, and software to different parts of the world, which makes a big impact on our country's finances.

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) is in charge of making sure trade happens smoothly in India. It's part of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and focuses on helping our exports, controlling what we import, and building good relationships with other countries.

DGFT runs programs like the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) and Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) to help Indian businesses sell more abroad. These programs give rewards to exporters, encouraging them to find new markets and do better globally.

Where Digital Signature Stands in India's Foreign Trade

Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) are an essential tool in India's foreign trade landscape, particularly concerning online transactions and documentation. DSCs provide a secure and authentic means of electronically signing documents, applications, and forms submitted to DGFT and other government agencies.

DSC for DGFT also makes sure that online communications are secure and trustworthy, which is important for cross-border trade. If you're an exporter or importer dealing with the DGFT, you need a digital signature for foreign trade and its tasks like getting your Importer-Exporter Code (IEC), applying for licenses, and submitting forms online.

Using DSC makes things simpler by cutting down on paperwork and speeding up the processing of trade-related tasks. They help create a smoother and more transparent trade environment, making life easier for businesses involved in foreign trade.

Guidelines and Circulars by DGFT for DSC

The DGFT issues guidelines, notifications, and circulars specifying the use of digital signatures for various processes and transactions related to foreign trade. These documents outline the procedures, requirements, and standards for the use of DSCs in online applications, filings, and communications with DGFT.

Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992: This act empowers the Indian government to formulate and implement foreign trade policies and regulations, including those related to the use of digital signatures for trade transactions.

How to Obtain and Use DSC for DGFT?

1. Choose a Certifying Authority (CA): DGFT recognizes certain Certifying Authorities for issuing digital signatures. You need to choose a CA that is recognized by DGFT, such as Capricorn CA, in India.

2. Class of DSC: DGFT mandates the use of a Class 2 or Class 3 digital signature certificate. The choice between Class 2 and Class 3 depends on the security requirements of the transactions you will be performing.

3. Application Process: To Buy DGFT DSC, you need to follow the application process specified by the chosen Certifying Authority. This typically involves submitting identity and address proof documents, along with a filled-out application form. The CA will verify your documents before issuing the digital signature.

4. Install the Digital Signature Certificate: Once you receive your digital signature certificate from the CA, you need to install it on your computer. The CA will provide instructions on how to do this, along with any necessary software or drivers.

5. Register on DGFT Portal: After installing the digital signature certificate, you need to register on the DGFT website (https://dgft.gov.in/) using your digital signature. This typically involves creating a user account and associating your digital signature with it.

6. Digital Signature Usage: You can use your DSC for DGFT for various activities in the portal, such as filing applications for import/export licenses, submitting documents, and communicating with DGFT officials.

7. Keep Your Digital Signature Safe: Since your digital signature is equivalent to your physical signature, it's important to keep it secure. Do not share your digital signature files or passwords with anyone else.

8. Renewal and Revocation: Digital signatures have an expiry date, after which they need to be renewed. Make sure to keep track of the expiry date of your digital signature and renew it before it expires. If your digital signature is lost or compromised, you should immediately contact your Certifying Authority to revoke it and obtain a new one.

You can obtain and use a DSC for DGFT by following these steps. Make sure to adhere to the guidelines and requirements set forth by DGFT and the chosen Certifying Authority.


In India's global trade journey, digital signatures aren't just extras; they're crucial tools for moving forward. They point towards a future where things are faster, clearer, and safer, creating new ways for India to make its mark in global trade.
